Question: "How should Christians view the idea of Muslims having dreams/visions about Jesus?"
Answer: There are many reports of Muslims converting to Christianity due to having a dream or experiencing a vision in which Jesus appeared to them. The accounts vary somewhat, but they virtually all have the following aspects in common: (1) Jesus appears to them. (2) Jesus tells them to find and speak to a person at a certain place at a certain time. (3) When the Muslim follows Jesus’ instructions, he or she finds the person at exactly the right time and place, and the person explains who Jesus truly is and presents the gospel. (4) The Muslim believes that Jesus is the Messiah and Savior and places his or her faith in Him, renouncing Islam.
What are Christians to make of such claims? Considering what happened to the apostle Paul, there is no reason to doubt such accounts. In Acts chapter 9, Jesus appeared to Paul in a vision and told Paul to go to Damascus and wait. Jesus then sent Ananias to Paul. Ananias explained the gospel to Paul, and Paul became a Christian. Paul’s life was then transformed. He was changed from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus who powerfully declared the gospel through much of the Roman world.
There are many other biblical examples of God using dreams and visions to communicate with people. From anecdotal evidence in modern times, it seems that others, besides Muslims, are also experiencing miraculous dreams and visions that point them to the gospel and salvation. The key in each case is that the gospel is eventually preached and accepted. Our trust is not in dreams and visions but in the authority of God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16–17).
There must be a balance. Supernatural revelation should be viewed for what it is, a miracle, not a normal event. God is a God of miracles. It should not surprise us that God would miraculously deliver His truth directly to a person who is trapped in a situation with virtually no access to the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. Even in the dreams and visions, however, Jesus directs the Muslim to someone who can explain the gospel. Why doesn’t Jesus just share the gospel Himself? It seems Jesus is reiterating the pattern He and His apostles established. Acts 2:22 and Hebrews 2:4 state that miracles accredit the gospel messengers so people will listen to the message God has given them to declare.
Christians should rejoice at the miraculous ways God is drawing Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ. And Christians should seek ways to provide Muslims with access to the gospel and the solid teaching of God’s Word.