Question: "What is all about?"
Answer: Welcome to, the flagship website of Got Questions Ministries, a network of sites with a shared mission: to glorify God and reach people for Christ by providing biblical answers to spiritually related questions. We are Christian, evangelical, theologically conservative, and nondenominational. As a parachurch ministry, our purpose is to come alongside the Church, joining in the Great Commission Jesus entrusted to His followers, by offering support and answers to those seeking clarity on spiritually related questions.
Whether you are seeking guidance, looking for answers, or are curious about spiritual matters, we are here to serve you, support you, and share the profound truths of God’s Word with you. Got questions? The Bible has answers. We’ll help you find them! was launched in February of 2002. The past 20+ years are an amazing account of God exploding and amplifying into one of the most frequently visited Christian websites in the world. We are currently averaging 22,000,000 pageviews per month and have received over 2,500,000,000 pageviews in our history.
We provide biblically based answers to spiritually related questions through multiple different venues: personal Q&A, articles, translations, audios, videos, apps, social media, podcasts, and Bible studies.
Mission Statement: Got Questions Ministries is an internet based ministry whose mission is to glorify God and reach people for Christ by providing biblical answers to spiritually-related questions.
Vision Statement: Illuminating the digital world with the truth of God’s Word.
All of the content on and all of the answers to personally submitted questions are reviewed for biblical and theological accuracy by our staff. Our CEO, S. Michael Houdmann, is ultimately accountable for our content, and therefore maintains an active role in the review process. He possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Calvary University, a Master’s degree in Christian Theology from Calvary Theological Seminary, and a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is also currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.
May God richly bless you as you seek to study His Word and grow in your walk with Him! “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36, ESV)
Waiver and Release: exists to provide biblical answers to life’s various questions. That’s it! No web page or email response should be construed as counseling, therapy, legal, or other professional advice IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. As such, in consideration for using the service of, you hereby RELEASE Got Questions Ministries, Inc. (and any of its officers, directors, or representatives) from any liability for any decision you might make in your life.
Disclosure: At the bottom of nearly every article is a recommended resource from and Logos Bible Software. If a user clicks on these links and makes a purchase, we receive a percentage of the sale as an affiliate payment.
Scripture references: Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.